by James Coulter
A proposed subdivision, which will provide 100 single-family residential units, will also include 8-foot-wide sidewalks that connect to the city’s trail system.
At their work session meeting on Wed. Feb. 27, 2025, Lake Wales city commissioners reviewed an agenda item about a sidewalk upsizing to the proposed Buckmoore Heights subdivision.
Located north of Buckmoore Loop Road, the subdivision will construct 100 single-family units. Per the city’s request, the developer has agreed to widen the sidewalks from five feet wide to eight feet.
The developer has also agreed to extend the sidewalk 500 feet past the project boundary to connect with the city’s Rails to Trail system, which will extend from Buckmoore Road to Scenic Highway.
“Developer Credit reduces multi-modal Impact fees at the time home building permits are issued, not to exceed a total of $144,961.65,” the city agenda memo wrote. “The city will collect an additional $60,572 in Multi-modal Impact Fees if all homes are built.”
Lake Wales city commissioners will consider and vote on this agenda item, along with the rest of the consent agenda, at their next regular meeting, scheduled for Tues. Mar. 4 at 6 PM at Lake Wales City Hall, located at 201 W Central Ave.