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Lake Wales
Friday, March 28, 2025

Lake Wales Woman Under Arrest After Polk Deputy Is Attacked & Injured By Her Dog After She Allegedly Threatened Duke Energy Workers


The Polk County Sheriff’s Office arrested Tiffany Wilfong-Perkins, of Lake Wales, and charged her with multiple felonies. According to the Polk County Sheriff’s Office Wilfong-Perkins had threatened to let her dogs loose to attack Duke Energy workers. The workers were there to shut off power the was reportedly being obtained illegally. When the deputy responded and while he was trying to take Wilfong-Perkins into custody one of the suspects dogs attacked him causing significant bodily injury to his arm and face.

Below is a copy of the arrest affidavit and long detailed list of charges. It should be noted that this is an unedited, but redacted report of facts by the PCSO. These facts are up for question and everyone is entitled to question the validity of facts by law enforcement in a court of law. The Lake Wales Daily does not rewrite these facts as some meanings or interpretations could be in error and change context. We hope readers appreciate being able to read the information and come to their own understanding and conclusions:

“On 02/25/2025, Deputy Sheriff (D/S) Wofford #7999 responded to 4 Sugar Pine Loop in Lake Wales, Florida regarding Duke Energy employee’s being threatened by the homeowner.

Upon arrival, D/S Wofford made contact with REDACTED, who will be referred to as victim 1, and REDACTED, who will be referred to as victim 2. Victim 1 advised the above location had the power shut off, by Duke Energy, due to non-payment. Duke Energy received an alert that there was low voltage at the meter, which meant electricity was being stolen directly from the meter. Victim 1 and victim 2 were sent to the location to check the meter and disconnect the power at the pole itself. When victim 1 arrived, he exited his vehicle, which is clearly marked with the Duke Energy logo, wearing a shirt and hard hat clearly marked with the Duke Energy logo, and began walking toward the residence. As he approached, the suspect, Tiffany Wilfong-Perkins, looked out her open window and told victim 1 to leave her property. Victim 1 attempted to explain his purpose for being there but before he was able to explain, the suspect stated if he was not going to leave then she was going to let her dogs out. The suspect proceeded to open the door and let her dogs; 2 full-grown large Great Danes and 2 medium size German Sheppard/Belgian Malinois, out of the residence.  The dogs proceeded to aggressively approach Victim 1, who retreated to safety inside his truck due to fear of being attacked. Victim 2 observed the release of the dogs and did not exit his vehicle due to fear of being attacked. Victim 1 contacted law enforcement to report the incident.

D/S Wofford approached the residence and observed the suspect standing near the front of the residence. A large Great Dane was observed chained up near the suspect. Another large Great Dane was observed chained up in the back yard along with 2 medium size German Sheppard/Belgian Malinois in a wire crate on the side yard.

D/S Wofford attempted to conduct his investigation with the suspect about why he was there but refused to listen, was speaking incoherently and continued to repeat herself telling everyone to get off of her property. While D/S Wofford was speaking to the suspect, she used her cellphone to call 9-1-1. The suspect was belligerent and hostile with the 9-1-1 operator. She demanded to speak to a supervisor and even requested “FHP” be present during the investigation.

Due to the suspect’s misuse of emergency services, in the presence of D/S Wofford, he began to make multiple lawful commands for the suspect to step away from the dog so that he could take her into custody. The suspect refused to comply with the multiple lawful commands made by D/S Wofford. D/S Wofford approached the suspect to take her into custody, but as he did, the suspect’s trained Great Dane attacked him. The dog bit D/S Wofford, causing serious bodily injury to his left forearm and just above his left eye. D/S Wofford was able to disengage from the dog, retreat to safety, request backup, and EMS. The suspect grabbed the dog’s collar and held it close to her as protection while D/S Wofford retreated.

D/S Wofford was unable to gain control of the suspect due to the dog attacking him and then being used as protection. D/S Wofford continued to give lawful commands to the suspect to step away from the dog, which she refused to comply with. He was unable to dispatch the dog due to the dogs close proximity to the suspect.

Polk County Medics arrived on scene to treat D/S Wofford and ultimately transported him to Lake Wales Hospital where he received 4 stiches in his left forearm and 3 stiches above his left eye.

D/S Lyle #7446, along with other Deputies, arrived on scene and began giving multiple lawful verbal commands, to the suspect, to step away from her dog so that she could be taken into custody without further incident. The suspect continued to refuse to comply with these lawful commands. Ultimately, the suspect was tased and Deputies were able to pull the dog’s chain away from the suspect so that she could be secured in handcuffs and taken into custody without further incident.

Through my investigation, I determined probable cause existed to charge the suspect, Tiffany Wilfong- Perkins, with violation of the following Florida State Statutes:

784.07(2)(D).- Tiffany actually and intentionally touched or struck Polk County Sheriff’s Office Deputy Sheriff Wofford #7999 against his will, intentionally caused bodily harm to him. In committing the Battery, Tiffany knowingly and intentionally caused permanent disfigurement to D/S Wofford. The incident caused permanent disfigurement to D/S Wofford’s face and arms. D/S Wofford was dressed in his agency-issued, green duty uniform bearing patches on each sleeve that read, “Polk County Sheriff’s Office” and he had a silver star affixed to his chest.

Under the circumstances of this incident, the precedence of Clark v. State (FL 2001) was utilized. A summary of Clark vs. State provides that a battery may be found as a result of the intentional touching or intentional striking of something other than the actual body of the person. However, the object that is touched or struck must have such an intimate connection with the person that it is to be regarded as a part or as an extension of the person. In this incident, Tiffany’s brown Great Dane, appeared to be highly trained and was used as a weapon against D/S Wofford.

784.07 (2)(C) – The suspect, Tiffany Wilfong-Perkins, intentionally and unlawfully threatened, by action, to do violence to Polk County Sheriff’s Office D/S Wofford. At the time, Tiffany appeared to have the ability to carry out the threat. Tiffany’s actions created a well-founded fear that the violence was about to take place in D/S Wofford’s mind. The assault was made with a fully-formed, conscious intent to commit Aggravated Battery upon D/S Wofford.

784.021(1)(A).. – Two Counts- The suspect, Tiffany Wilfong-Perkins, intentionally and unlawfully threatened, by both word and action, to do violence to Duke Energy employees, victim’s two and three, REDACTED, and REDACTED. At the time, Tiffany appeared to have the ability to carry out the threat. Tiffany’s actions created a well-founded fear that the violence was about to take place in the minds of the victims.

843.01. – The suspect, Tiffany Wilfong-Perkins, knowingly and willfully resisted, obstructed, and opposed D/S Wofford by doing violence to him. At the time, PCSO D/S Wofford was engaged in the lawful execution of a legal duty (Attempting to place her under arrest for a misdemeanor that occurred in his presence [Misuse of 911]). At the time, D/S Wofford was an officer and Tiffany knew he was an officer. D/S Wofford was dressed in his agency-issued green duty uniform bearing patches on each sleeve that read “Polk County Sheriff’s Office” and he had a silver star affixed to his chest and arrived to the property in a marked, agency-issued patrol vehicle.

843.02. – The suspect, Tiffany Wilfong-Perkins, knowingly and willfully resisted, obstructed, and opposed D/S Lyle #7446 without doing violence to him. The suspect refused multiple commands to come from behind her trained Great Dane and speak with law enforcement regarding a possible aggravated assault.

At the time, PCSO D/S Lyle was engaged in the lawful execution of a legal duty (Responding to a call for service at her address). At the time, D/S Lyle was an officer and Tiffany knew he was an officer. D/S Lyle was dressed in his agency-issued, green duty uniform bearing patches on each sleeve that read, “Polk County Sheriff’s Office” and he had a silver star affixed to his chest and arrived to the property in a marked, agency-issued patrol vehicle.

365.172(14)… – The suspect, Tiffany Wilfong-Perkins, accessed 911 services for the purpose of making a false complaint and to report false information that could result in the emergency response of any public safety agency. The suspect knowingly used 911 services for a purpose other than obtaining public safety assistance. Her misuse of 911 caused multiple deputies and detectives to respond to the scene after D/S Wofford was injured while attempting to take her into custody for her misuse. The cost to the Polk County Sheriff’s Office was over $100.00.

828.12 (1) – The suspect, Tiffany Wilfong-Perkins, deprived her approximately a two year old male, blue Great Dane of necessary sustenance. The dog was taken under PCSO Animal Control bite protocol and examined by veterinarian, Dr. Jackson. Dr. Jackson noted that the dog weighed 117.6 pounds, had a 103.6 temperature, and a Fecal exam showed the dog to have hook worms. Dr. Jackson gave the dog a body score 2/9. Dr. Jackson advised the dog is very thin and stated a healthy Great Dane should weigh between 150-175 pounds. Dr. Jackson advised the dog is not being provided the necessary sustenance to have a healthy weight. I observed the dog’s pelvic bones, ribs, and spine to be easily visible in violation of this statute.

812.14. – The suspect, Tiffany Wilfong-Perkins, knowingly, willingly, and intentionally altered and tampered with electricity that was remotely turned off on 02/20/2025, but was previously provided by Duke Energy. Duke Energy was notified of low-voltage at the meter and sent a representative to the property. The representative, REDACTED, advised that the meter was removed and was “jumped” by unknown means.

812.014(2)(C)1.*. – The suspect, Tiffany Wilfong-Perkins, knowingly, willingly, and intentionally used approximately $892.00 of power services provided by the victim, Duke Energy. In an attempt to avoid paying those charges, the suspect, by unknown means, “jumped the meter” and illegally obtained 160 kilowatts of power between 02/20/2025 and 02/25/2025. The total loss to the company at the time of this investigation was $1,342.93.

810.09(2)(A) – The suspect, Tiffany Wilfong-Perkins, unlawfully prevents a utility worker from accessing property where the utility has a legal easement or right of entry provided under F.S.S. 362.01. F.S.S. provides utility companies the legal right to enter private property for service-related activities.

During the investigation, I observed several environmental violations in plain sight. Upon inspecting the property, I discovered several piles of broken-down items including furniture, plastics, wood, and scrap metal located throughout the property. The suspect, Tiffany Wilfong-Perkins, is the sole adult living at the residence and is responsible for all activities on the property.

F.A.C Code 62-701.300 (1)(a) states, no person shall store, process, or dispose of solid waste except as authorized at a permitted solid waste management facility or a facility exempt from permitting under this chapter.

After completing an inspection at this location it was determined the defendant was currently operating an unpermitted landfill at this location. The piles containing furniture, auto parts, plastics, wood, and scrap metal should have been properly discarded at a permitted solid waste facility and not placed in his back yard to deteriorate.  As a result of violating F.A.C. 62-701.300 (1)(a), the defendant was determined to be in violation of F.S.S. 403.161 (1)(b) which states, fail to obtain any permit required by this chapter or by rule or regulation, or to violate or fail to comply with any rule, regulation, order, permit, or certification adopted or issued by the department pursuant to its lawful authority.

While conducting the above search, several waste tires (seven waste tires) were observed being stored on the property. The property located at 4 Sugar Pine Loop, Lake Wales, Florida, is not a permitted waste tire collection center and the defendant was determined to be in violation of F.A.C Code 62-711.400(4)(a). F.A.C Code 62-711.400(4)(a) states, No person shall store waste tires unless the waste tires are: (a) Collected and stored at a permitted waste tire collection center.

While on site, I observed/smelled raw sewage coming from the west of the residence that was attracting hundreds of flies. I did not observe any corrective measures and determined the untreated human waste was in violation of F.S.S. 386.041(1)(a), which states: Untreated or improperly treated human waste, garbage, offal, dead animals, or dangerous waste materials from manufacturing processes harmful to human or animal life and air pollutants, gases, and noisome odors which are harmful to human or animal life.

After conducting an inspection of the exterior of the residence, I determined Tiffany Wilfong-Perkins should have made an attempt to correct the flies in addition to the septic issues. I determined Tiffany Wilfong-Perkins to be in violation of 386.041(1)(e) which states: The creation, maintenance, or causing of any condition capable of breeding flies, mosquitoes, or other arthropods capable of transmitting diseases, directly or indirectly to humans.

While continuing to search the property, I discovered wood, plastics, papers, and an electronic device in a pile being intentionally burned. The items being burned by Tiffany Wilfong-Perkins contained several materials that are prohibited from burning.
After my inspection of the fire intentionally set by the defendant, I determined Tiffany Wilfong-Perkins violated F.A.C Code 62-256.300(2)(a) – (2) Prohibition on the Open Burning of Certain Materials. (a) The open burning of biological waste, hazardous waste, asbestos-containing materials, mercury-containing devices, pharmaceuticals, tires, rubber material, residual oil, used oil, asphalt, roofing material, tar, treated wood, plastics, garbage, or trash is prohibited.

As a result of violating F.A.C. 62-256.300 (2)(a), F.A.C. 62-711.400(4)(a), and F.A.C. 62-701.300 (1)(a)  the defendant was determined to be in three separate violations of F.S.S. 403.161 (1)(b) which states, fail to obtain any permit required by this chapter or by rule or regulation, or to violate or fail to comply with any rule, regulation, order, permit, or certification adopted or issued by the department pursuant to its lawful authority.

While on scene, I observed, in plain view, an exposed septic pool on the west side of the building. The waste water pipe of the mobile home was observed dumping raw human waste into an exposed septic pool. No apparent attempt had been made to correct/treat the exposed raw human sewage as required and in violation of F.S.S. 386.041(1)(a), which states: Untreated or improperly treated human waste, garbage, offal, dead animals, or dangerous waste materials from manufacturing processes harmful to human or animal life and air pollutants, gases, and noisome odors which are harmful to human or animal life.

After conducting an inspection of the exterior of the travel trailer I also determined Tiffany Wilfong-Perkins should have made an attempt to correct the septic issues. I determined Tiffany Wilfong-Perkins to be in violation of F.S.S. 386.041(1)(b) which states: Improperly built or maintained septic tanks, water closets, or privies.

The defendant was also determined to be in violation of F.S.S. 381.0065 (4) when she failed to obtain the required permit to construct a septic tank on the property. F.S.S. 381.0065 (4) states that a person may not construct, repair, modify, abandon, or operate an onsite sewage treatment and disposal system without first obtaining a permit approved by the department. As a result of violating F.S.S. 381.0065 (4), the defendant was determined to be in violation of F.S.S. 403.161 (1)(b). F.S.S. 403.161 (1)(b) states, fail to obtain any permit required by this chapter or by rule or regulation, or to violate or fail to comply with any rule, regulation, order, permit, or certification adopted or issued by the department pursuant to its lawful authority.”

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