by James Coulter
The Lake Wales High School (LWHS) homecoming parade is set to make its way along First Street to Sessoms Avenue next month, now that the city has approved the special permit and road closing for the upcoming event.
At their regular meeting on Tues. Aug. 6, Lake Wales City Commissioners voted unanimously to approve a consent agenda item approving the special event permit application and the request for street closings.
Mr. Anuj Saran, Principal of the Lake Wales High School, submitted a special event permit application, requesting approval for the homecoming parade to be scheduled on Thurs., Sept. 26, 2024, from 4 PM to 5:30 PM.
LWHS also requested the following city roads and streets be closed during the parade:
First Street from SR 60 to Central Avenue.
Central Avenue from First Street to Lake Shore Boulevard.
Lake Shore Boulevard from Central Avenue to North Wales Drive at Legion Field.
Orange Avenue and N 5th Street to Sessoms Avenue.
“Parade line up begins at 3:30 PM in the parking lot of Polk Avenue Elementary School and on south First Street with the parade starting at 4:00 PM,” City Clerk Jennifer Nanek wrote in the agenda item memo.
The city is estimated to spend $2,108 for in-kind service, while Lake Wales High School, according to the memo, “is responsible for 25% of the total cost or approximately $527.”
The special event permit application and road closing requests had been reviewed and approved by all city departments, and Lake Wales Charter Schools have provided the required proof of liability insurance.