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Lake Wales
Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Lake Wales Charter School Attorney & Longtime Charter Advocate Says He’s “Moving On”


By Anita Todd, Special Articles

LAKE WALES – During the Lake Wales Charter School Board of Trustees Work Session and Financial Meeting on Monday (Aug. 19), Robin Gibson announced he is “moving on” from his position as the System’s General Counsel.

After Gibson’s update of the System’s outstanding legal matters, he said he would be leaving.

“I won’t go into detail personally, but my wife and I have been through a tough time, and I have had a kind of epiphany and a change in lifestyle so I will be moving on,” he said.

He went on to say that prior to the meeting he had informed each board member of his decision.

He also mentioned the concern of a conflict of interest that some had with him representing Lori Cunningham, a long-serving Polk County School Board member.

However, he maintained his commitment to the LWCS System.

“I will stay on as long as you want me to. I don’t know how you are going to get a lawyer to do this job. This is really a unique animal that’s been created here. There is nothing like it in the state of Florida,” he said. “I know you will go through a selection process. I will be glad to work with the individual to help them. I am committed to the Charter schools.”

Since Gibson had spoken to each Board member, no one made a statement after his announcement except Danny Gill, Chairman, LWCS Board of Trustees.

“I’d like to thank you, Robin, for the foresight to develop the system and the determination to see it through the difficult years of growth …,” Gill said.

Originally from Miami, Gibson graduated from Miami Edison Senior High School in 1955; the University of Florida in 1959; and the University of Florida College of Law, LL.B. in 1962 (replaced by J. D. 1967).

Since 1973, Gibson has been the principal member of the Gibson Law Firm in Lake Wales and was the Chairman of the first LWCS Board of Trustees.

Gibson served as General Council to the Governor of Florida and is the principal drafter of the provision in the Florida Constitution creating the governance structure for the state’s university system.

He has handled a number of important cases at the trial and appellate levels and is the recipient of numerous awards and honors.

He and his wife, Jean, have four children and have been married since 1961.

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