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Lake Wales Woman Charged In Frostproof Hit & Run Homicide


Lake Wales, Florida – The Polk County Sheriff’s Office has arrested Alexandra Alston Taylor, DOB: 03/30/1995, of Lake Wales for multiple charges stemming from a hit & run homicide. The crash occurred back in 9/22/2022 when the victim was reportedly struck and killed while walking on Otto Polk Rd. The investigation appears to have taken months (earlier article PCSO Investigating Crash Frostproof) due to the suspect being accused of leaving the scene and lying to authorities. She is currently being charged with Leaving Scene of Crash and False Information Provided To LEO. The investigation is ongoing.

Here is an excerpt of the arrest affidavit. (It should be noted that this is an unedited report of facts by the Polk County Sheriff’s Office. These facts are up for question and everyone is entitled to question the validity of facts by law enforcement in a court of law. The Lake Wales Daily does not rewrite these facts as some meanings or interpretations could be in error and change context. We hope readers appreciate being able to read the information and come to their own understanding and conclusions) :

“On September 22, 2022, at approximately 0312 hours, the emergency communications center received a call that a pedestrian was lying in the middle of Otto Polk Road, a two-lane roadway, in front of the residence of 1040 Otto Polk Rd., located in Frostproof. The pedestrian was believed to be struck by a vehicle; however, the reportee did not witness the crash. Polk County Fire Rescue and Polk County Deputies responded to the location and located the victim, REDACTED, deceased in the roadway.

A preliminary investigation revealed a small debris field of a broken plastic wheel guard (fender well liner) located near the victim. The victim’s injuries include but are not limited to a compound fraction to the right arm/wrist area, lacerations and abrasions to the head, arms, and torso area. This physical evidence is consistent with a pedestrian strike.

A further inspection of one plastic fender lining revealed a stamp that identified the part make as Hyundai. A part number stamped 86813-3X000 (Guard FR Wheel FRT piece LH (2ND) and 86811-3X000 (Guard ASS Y-FRT WHEEL LH) was located on the plastic fender lining. This part number was researched both over the internet and with a Hyundai dealership. It was determined the vehicle part belonged to a 2010 through a 2013 Hyundai Elantra. A vehicle search was conducted based on the known information, revealing a 2013 Gray Hyundai Elantra bearing Florida Tag – 336QKP REDACTED

The vehicle was registered to both Daniel Justin Brasher, REDACTED, Babson Park and Alston Alexandra Taylor, W/F, 03/30/1995 of Candlelight Dr., Lake Wales. Contact was made with Brasher who advised the vehicle belongs to his ex, Taylor. He has not driven the vehicle in over a year and a half and is only on the registration for financial purposes. Brasher advised the vehicle is located at Candlelight Dr., in Lake Wales.

At approximately 1000 hours, (September 22) Deputy Johnston responded to Candlelight Drive and located the Gray Hyundai Elantra with matching Florida Tag of 336QKP (Vin # KMHDH4AE1DU750626) REDACTED. The vehicle was parked in the front yard of the residence, approximately ten feet from the roads edge, in plain view. Deputy Johnson made contact with a resident on the property (defendant), Alston Taylor. He advised her he was there in reference to an active investigation involving a vehicle crash, which the defendant understood, allowing deputies to remain on the property. Deputy Johnston noted part of the front left fender liner was damaged and missing. I responded to the scene with the broken fender lining that was recovered on scene and placed it inside the fender well of the defendant’s vehicle. The profile of the piece located at the crash scene matched the profile of the damaged and missing piece found on the vehicle.

A recorded interview was conducted with the defendant outside her residence, in her front yard, by the vehicle. The defendant swore to provide a truthful statement. Taylor advised the vehicle belongs to her and she is the only one that drives the vehicle. I asked her when the last time the vehicle left the property and she advised “last night, I was out in Frostproof last night”. No mention was made to her where the crash occurred. She then advised she was not in a crash. The defendant advised she was in the vehicle by herself last night and no one else was in the vehicle. She advised she left to visit a friend named “Mama Duner”, legal name is Janet Delarm. She advised she visited Janet near the community of Sun Ray off Highway 27, south of Frostproof. It was later determined Janet lived at REDACTED. This location is approximately 1.1 miles from the crash scene. The defendant left her house around midnight and returned home. 

Deputy Johnston conducted a sworn recorded interview with Brasher. Brasher advised he spoke with the defendant in the morning (9/22/22) and the defendant told him she was the only one who drove the vehicle the night prior and was the only person in her vehicle. After Brasher advised he was contacted by law enforcement about a hit and run crash and her vehicle was observed in the area of the crash, the defendant advised she is always in that area and they couldn’t say it was her. She then said she would have at least turned around and checked on somebody.  

Deputy Colon responded to REDACTED. and made contact with Janet Delarm. Janet consented to a sworn recorded interview. Janet advised the defendant stopped by her house after midnight (9/22/22) and stayed for about 30-45 minutes. She stated the defendant stopped over and used the bathroom. Janet stated a female named Tiffany was also with Taylor. She stated she does not know who was in the car or if anyone else was with them. She continued that they (defendant and Tiffany) might have been waiting for someone at the residence. She doesn’t not know how long they stayed outside or did not see who was in the driver’s seat when the vehicle left the property.

While still at Candlelight Dr., multiple follow-up interviews were conducted with the defendant to include a recorded post Miranda interview. The defendant was read her Miranda rights and agreed to provide a statement. The defendant advised her cell phone number is 863-589-3666 and her phone carrier is AT&T. The defendant first advised she was the sole occupant in her Hyundai and was driving the night prior to visit Janet Delarm around 2100 hours, where she stayed there for a couple hours. She believes she left Janet’s around 0000-0015 hours. She advised she then went home, traveling back on Highway 27, and arrived home at approximately 0045 hours. She said the vehicle has not moved since she has been home. The defendant advised she took a Xanax yesterday afternoon. 
She was then asked if her vehicle was on Otto Polk Rd at any time yesterday or early in the morning (9/22/22). She first said no and then changed her demeanor saying it was on Otto Polk Rd. She then stated, “I can tell you what happened.” “Honest to God Truth.” She advised she left her home yesterday evening and picked up a man named Eleno Suarez, REDACTED in Frostproof. Suarez then took over as the driver of her vehicle. They went to pick up two more people (Tiffany and “UNK”.) Later identified as Tiffany Renee Creech, REDACTED and Felipe Jaramillo, REDACTED, aka UNK.  

Suarez’s wanted to visit a man named Lee off Otto Polk Road. They stopped by Janet’s house for a brief time and then left. While driving on Otto Polk Road around 0100 hours, the defendant observed a man lying across both lanes. She does not know if he was sleeping, but was clearly lying on his back. She attempted to warn Suarez but was unsuccessful. She felt a bump after the vehicle struck the pedestrian. The defendant advised Suarez was looking at his phone at this time. Suarez started to slow down but never stopped. She advised she told Suarez he hit a man and needed to stop. She stated Suarez asked what he should do and the defendant replied, call because it was accident. Suarez replied, “Nobody tell.” The defendant stated Tiffany and Jaramillo also were aware that they struck a person and were telling Suarez to stop. Suarez continued down Otto Polk Rd., turned down another road, turned around, however, never went back to the crash scene. They went down another dirt road to leave the area. Suarez then drove to his grandma’s house to check for damage, at which time he didn’t see any damage. After that, he dropped the passenger Tiffany and Jaramillo off and then Suarez took the defendant home.

The defendant advised Suarez was made aware that he struck a person but did not return back to the scene. During this time the defendant had very unique details of the crash that only someone who was involved at the time would know. 

I later made contact with Jaramillo at the defendant’s residence. Jaramillo consented to providing a sworn recorded statement. Jaramillo and Tiffany advised he was picked up at his residence by the defendant.  He recalls being in the vehicle with his nephew Suarez, however, cannot recall if Suarez was in the vehicle when he was first picked up or when they went to Janet’s house. Jaramillo confirmed everyone went to Janet’s house for an unknown time. Jaramillo stayed outside when the defendant went inside Janet’s home. Jaramillo advised he went to talk to a subject named Ed on the property. Jaramillo continued that when they left Janet’s residence, Suarez was the driver of the Hyundai and they were driving on Otto Polk Rd., when he felt a “bump”. Jaramillo He was later dropped off at his mother’s home. Jaramillo advised Suarez was still driving when he was dropped off. 

I then spoke with Tiffany who provided a recorded statement. Tiffany advised the defendant picked up both Jaramillo and herself from Jaramillo’s mom’s house. She was a rear seat passenger in the defendant’s vehicle. She recalls going to Janet’s house and recalls Suarez being in the vehicle when they left from Janet’s residence. She advised they were going somewhere, but never made it, because they hit something. She continued that everyone in the vehicle knew they hit something on Otto Polk Rd. Tiffany advised the defendant was driving at the time they hit something. 

All contacts made in this case occurred on the same day as the crash (September 22nd). Attempts to locate Suarez were made however unsuccessful.
The defendant provided written consent, via a P.C.S.O. waiver insert #9008, for the Polk County Sheriff’s Office to recover the Hyundai Elantra from the property of Candlelight Dr. and transport it to a secure location for further investigation. The suspect vehicle was recovered and is being held for this investigation.

Through this investigation, statements have been made that the defendant was the operator of the vehicle at the time of the crash by Tiffany. The defendant provided a sworn statement to me as well as a post Miranda statement to Detective Hooyman that she was the driver of her vehicle both in the area and around the time the crash occurred. 

A male identifying himself as Suarez contacted Deputy Johnston via phone on September 26, 2022 at 2316 hours, left a message, stating he was informed from his mother that law enforcement was looking for him and he didn’t do anything. He doesn’t want people blaming things on him. He advised he didn’t have anything to do with it and advised he would call back later to talk. The call came from the phone number REDACTED.

Additional followup interviews were conducted to confirm or deny both the defendant’s story. On September 26th, an interview was conducted with Edward Delarm. Edward is the subject Jaramillo advised he spoke with on the date of the crash. Edward provided a sworn recorded interview and advised he never seen or spoke with anyone or seen anyone at the time Jaramillo advised he was there. 

On October 3, 2022, I made contact with Suarez’s biological mother (Veronica Garcia). Veronica advised she would provide a sworn recorded interview. Veronica advised Suarez resides at her residence; however, is not there a lot. Veronica stated Suarez was last at the house on September 17th. She stated she made contacted with deputies on September 22nd, asking for the whereabouts of her son, however, Suarez was never at the house, or heard from him on September 21st or 22nd. Veronica further advised the defendant did in fact come to her home September 21, around 2300 hours. Veronica advised she was by herself and Suarez was never with her before she got there and the defendant left her home alone. Veronica said she was wearing jeans and a black shirt. 

Veronica advised after she spoke with deputies around 1600 hours on September 22nd, she was contacted by the defendant by phone asking if Veronica knew where Suarez or Jaramillo were because she needed to talk to them for advice. The defendant tried reaching out to her again. Veronica called her back and the defendant stated to Veronica “I told them that I picked up Eleno (Suarez) at your house at 11 o clock at night”. Veronica said “but you didn’t, why you lying? What’s going on? The defendant said ” I can’t talk. I might go to jail.” Veronica became aware that the defendant was lying to law enforcement and the defendant told law enforcement she was with Suarez when she wasn’t. 

Veronica later spoke with her son (Suarez) who told her he was not involved and did not do anything. He told her he has proof where he was at. Veronica stated she knows when her son is lying and she does not believe he is lying about this. She advised Suarez doesn’t want to meet with law enforcement because of his extensive criminal record and he believes because of that, he thinks law enforcement would not believe him. 

Veronica advised she believes Suarez could have been at her sister’s house (Maria Gonzales) and to speak with her about Suarez’s whereabouts. Veronica stated she has seen Jaramillo (Veronica’s brother) after the incident occurred and Jaramillo is acting different to her and would not look or talk to her. Veronica stated Jaramillo and Suarez have had problems in the past and because of that, there is a chance that Jaramillo might say Suarez was driving when he wasn’t. 

I then made contact with Maria Gonzales at the address of REDACTED.,Frostproof. This address is an RV located off a dirt road south of the Residential property ofREDACTED. Maria advised her nephew Eleno (Suarez) was with her at this location on Wednesday, September 21. She also advised a friend named Francisco Martinez was also at her RV with both her and Suarez.

Around 0200-0300 hours on Thursday September 22, 2022, while Suarez, Francisco and herself are on her property, the defendant knocked on the door. Maria advised she walked up to the RV from the road. She was wearing blue jeans and a black shirt. The defendant was by herself and was slurring her speech and believed to be on Xanex. She was lethargic and repeated herself a lot. She appeared nervous and in a panic. The defendant told Maria she hit a dog down the road. The defendant asked Maria if she could drive her home ; however, Maria told her no. She then asked Suarez if he could drive her home and believes Suarez said he would. Maria said the defendant was at Janet’s house prior to coming to her house. 

Maria stated that the defendant left from inside her RV alone; however, she later learned Suarez was no longer at the RV either and believes Suarez probably left with the defendant. Maria never saw the defendant’s vehicle that night, never saw the defendant exit from the vehicle when she came to her home and did not see the defendant and or Suarez get into the vehicle when they left. 

Maria swears that Suarez was with her from 2200 hours on 9/21 until the defendant came to the house saying she hit something around 0200 on 9/22, and asked for someone to give her a ride home. Maria then provided me a screen shot from her cell phone, from her text thread with the defendant. The text message which came from the defendant on September 22 at 11:40 pmstates “I’m going to prison”. The contact image is a photo of the defendant and the contact name is “Alexa…”.

A sworn recorded interview was conducted with Francisco Martinez. Martinez advised was on the property of REDACTED. on Wednesday September 21 through September 22. He stated he was working on fixing his vehicle with Suarez. He advised late at night he recalls the defendant come onto the property. He said she parked the vehicle and turned the vehicle off. The defendant went to speak with Maria. Martinez believes the defendant appeared worried and stressed. He thought she might have been impaired by pills. He was with Suarez outside for a bit and later said both the defendant and Suarez later were gone. Martinez is adamant that Suarez was with him when the defendant came to the property; however, believes Suarez later took the defendant home.  

I responded back to Veronica Garcia’s place of employment for follow-up questioning. Veronica advised she has not seen or talked to Suarez in several weeks. Veronica advised she ran into her brother (Jaramillo) at his residence a few weeks ago. She advised she confronted him about his involvement with the crash and what he told law enforcement. Veronica advised Jaramillo told her that he lied about the whole thing to include saying Suarez was driving at the time of the crash. She further advised he said he lied to cover his own problems up. 

I then responded back to Jaramillo’s residence where I made contact with both Jaramillo and Tiffany Creech. Both subjects agree to provide recorded sworn follow up statements.

While speaking to Jaramillo off air, he spontaneously advised he made false statements the day I first interviewed him and said things in the heat of the moment that were incorrect. 

Jaramillo first started the recorded interview by spontaneously stating “My last interview, I went more off emotions sir”. He stated he was in an altercation with Suarez in the early part of the day on September 21st.This altercation was over a female and felt betrayed by Suarez.  A little after midnight on 9/22 he and Tiffany were picked up by the defendant at his house. He advised the defendant was alone in the vehicle and was driving. Their next stop was at Janet’s house where they were there for a short time. When they left Janet’s, Suarez was not there or in the vehicle. His next memory he recalls is being on Otto Polk Road. He advised he lied to me before when he said Suarez was driving when they were on Otto Polk Rd. He advised he was sitting in the back seat with Tiffany. He struggled to remember specific events and the order they happened, but suggests Suarez may have entered into the vehicle was when they stopped by his sister’s house (Maria Gonzales). Jaramillo stated he can not place Suarez in the defendants’s vehicle when they were on Otto Polk Road, but confirms he lied that Suarez was driving at the time of the incident. After they left Maria’s property, he was dropped off at his home. He believes Tiffany went back to the defendant’s house. 

Tiffany advised she and Jaramillo were picked up by the defendant at Jaramillo’s house. The defendant was alone in the vehicle. Both of them got into the back seat. They were supposed to go to a subject name Lee’s. She advised at the time of the incident, she was living with Lee.  She stated they first stopped at Janet’s house and hung out. At this time, no one else was with them. Tiffany advised while driving on Otto Polk Road the defendant was driving. She further advised Suarez was not in the vehicle. They then went to Maria’s house. When they were leaving, she believes Suarez was in the vehicle; however, was in the passenger seat. Tiffany advised the defendant appeared “fucked up” on Xanax the night of the crash.

Based on numerous statements obtained in this investigation, to include the defendants original statements, probable cause exists that the defendant was operating a vehicle and struck the victim on Otto Polk Road. This crash resulted in the death of the victim. The defendant then fled the scene failing to render aid or notify law enforcement of the incident. After the suspect vehicle and defendant were located, the defendant provided numerous false statements to multiple law enforcement officers.  The defendant advised me during my initial sworn interview she was alone in the vehicle and no one else was with her. She later provided a second sworn statement that four people were in the vehicle at the time of the crash and a subject named Eleno Suarez was driving at the time of the crash.  I later received multiple sworn statements confirming an alibi for Suarez which would indicate he was not in the vehicle at the time the crash occurred and the defendant was driving at the time of the crash. These false statements impeded and mislead this criminal investigation.

The defendant was placed under arrest for leaving the scene of a crash involving death and providing false information to law enforcement during an investigation.”

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